Darker Days, Younger Skin! ‘Tis the Season for Laser Rejuvenation

cloudy skies

We’re in for a cloudy, rainy winter thanks to El Niño, we’re told, but there’s more than one silver living to the cloudy forecast. Some welcome relief for drought-stricken Southern California, of course! But did you know a cloudy winter is also a great opportunity to reverse aging?

Laser rejuvenation has revolutionized the world of cosmetic dermatology. Today’s controlled, safe lasers offer all the benefits of traditional surgical rejuvenation—without the risk, expense, high discomfort level, and extended recovery time of surgery.


Treatment with the advanced SmartSkin®® CO2 Micro-Ablative Laser Skin Renewal system combines skin resurfacing, collagen stimulation, and tissue-tightening in one procedure, addressing deep wrinkles, sun damage, poor skin texture, pigmentation issues, and scarring. Offered in full-face and the famous “Madonna Lift” eye-lift versions, our SmartSkin® CO2 Laser Rejuvenation treatments are among our most popular cosmetic procedures.

Madonna eyelift

We also offer traditional sublative rejuvenation with the Matrix RF system, and pinpoint renewal with the controlled Vbeam laser.

One thing laser rejuvenation treatments have in common is the need to protect your skin from UV rays during the preparation for and followup to treatment. That makes the winter season, with its shorter daylight hours and fewer outdoor activities, the perfect time to schedule your laser rejuvenation. While the raindrops are falling, the years will be falling away!

Call or email our cosmetic consultant Mary Lou Brimecombe today to learn more about finding your silver lining this season!