Month: August 2016
Laser Hair Removal: One Smooth Move
Laser Hair Removal (LHR) isn’t just for summer skin exposure. Did you know that this safe and effective way to remove unwanted body hair has benefits all year long? The Rio Olympics have come to an end, but one burning question remains. As a Facebook user posted, “In 50 years…
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Exfoliation: Like Autumn for Your Face
Exfoliation sounds like a spell Harry Potter might use, but it’s an important part of the “seasonal” cycle of healthy, beautiful skin. Your skin cells turn over on a much more rapid rate than Earth turns through the seasons of the year, but the falling leaves of autumn are a…
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Adult Acne: It’s Not High School All Over Again!
Adult acne is more common than you might think, especially among women. (We’ll look at some of the causes in a minute.) In this back-to-school season, an acne flare can make you feel like a young, insecure teen reaching for the cover stick again, no matter what your age. Aren’t…
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Morning Skin Care Rituals, Then and Now
Morning skin care rituals vary depending on your skin’s needs and your schedule. They have varied across the years, too. Your mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother probably followed very different beauty and makeup routines than you do — although the basics remain the same. Just for fun, here’s a classic late…
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Scars and How to Minimize Them
Scars were once prized as signs of victory among duelers and warriors. In some parts of the world, intentional scarring, like tattooing, marks one’s tribal identity or symbolizes a rite of passage. For all of us, scars are signs of survival — a wound healed, a disease overcome — but…
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Our treatment suites are equipped with the latest dermatological lasers, for advanced, safe, comfortable treatment of your skin's medical and cosmetic needs. Our in-house Acne Treatment Center offers complete care for all ages and acne stages. We offer a full line of skin care products designed to suit your unique...
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