Month: March 2017
Summer Skin Issues: No Fun in the Sun
Summer skin is out there — out from under layers of clothing, out soaking up UV rays, out in the pool and the ocean. As the days get longer and warmer here in Southern California’s land of year-round sunshine, the chance for summer skin issues to flare up rises like the…
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Cosmetic Treatments After 60: We’re Not Your Grandma’s Grandmas
Cosmetic treatments are popular with people of all ages, but especially so as we reach the AARP years. Anti-aging treatments, surgical or not, have always drawn older patients, of course. The motivations are multiple: the desire to retain or regain youthful looks to attract others and to boost personal confidence,…
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Top 5 Places to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Pasadena
Mother’s Day is right around the corner! In order to make sure your mom has the perfect day, Comprehensive Dermatology Center of Pasadena compiled this list of the top five places to celebrate Mother’s Day in Pasadena. Whether you want to take your mom shopping or treat her to a nice meal,…
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Sunscreen and Your Guy: How to Get Them Together
Sunscreen, as you know because we keep telling you, is an indispensable part of keeping your skin healthy, beautiful, and younger-looking. And the reason we keep repeating the sunscreen message is that it’s literally a matter of life and death. Unprotected exposure to UV rays is the leading contributor to…
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Skin Care Labels 101: Read Your Way to Great Skin
Skincare labels can be deceiving. The information on the jar or bottle of that night cream, anti-aging serum, or daily moisturizer is, in many cases, more marketing hype than product fact. Today, when so many skin care issues cross the boundary between aesthetics and medicine, it’s important to be an…
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Our treatment suites are equipped with the latest dermatological lasers, for advanced, safe, comfortable treatment of your skin's medical and cosmetic needs. Our in-house Acne Treatment Center offers complete care for all ages and acne stages. We offer a full line of skin care products designed to suit your unique...
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