Laser Hair Removal: One Smooth Move

Laser Hair Removal (LHR) isn’t just for summer skin exposure. Did you know that this safe and effective way to remove unwanted body hair has benefits all year long?

The Rio Olympics have come to an end, but one burning question remains. As a Facebook user posted, “In 50 years I’ve never been able to get even one armpit as smooth and hairless as those swimmers get their whole bodies! How do they do it?”

For more and more male and female athletes, especially swimmers and bikers, the answer is Laser Hair Removal.

Removing body hair significantly reduces wind and water resistance for competitive athletes, leading to faster times. But traditional methods of hair removal — shaving, chemical depilatories, and waxing, for example — must be repeated frequently and increase the skin’s vulnerability to irritation, pain, ingrown hairs, and infections like folliculitis.

Laser Hair Removal uses controlled pulses of energy to destroy hairs at the root. As the destroyed hair grows to the surface it is shed. Hairs destroyed in the earliest cycle of growth are removed permanently. Because hair grows at various intervals, LHR requires several treatments staggered over time to achieve lasting results — with no stubble.

Even weekend workout enthusiasts can see benefits from Laser Hair Removal. Body hair, designed to keep you warm, can make you heat up too quickly when working out, biking, or hiking. It also holds sweat and bacteria, increasing body odor and leading to heat rashes and irritation under workout clothes. Laser Hair Removal can make your exercise cooler and more pleasant — which means you’re more likely to keep it up.

It’s not just athletes who benefit, however. Long-term, smooth removal of unwanted body hair makes it possible to go bare at the drop of hint, not just during the warm summer months but all year long when travel, vacations, romance, and just plain everyday life make temporary hair removal methods a chore. During the colder months, not having to shave means not irritating winter-dry skin or worrying about stubble under tights. It means going sleeveless or flaunting that short skirt at holiday parties as well as in July.

With all these benefits, Laser Hair Removal is still not as well known as it should be. Studies show only 9% of women, and a much smaller percentage of men, have given it a try. If you too were inspired by the smooth moves of Olympic swimmers and bikers, why not contact us today to explore what LHR can do for you? Our Laser Hair Removal is performed by our registered laser nurse, and we offer discounts when prepaying multiple treatments. Don’t wait 50 years to get those underarms (legs, bikini area, upper lip, chin, chest) smooth and sleek!