Permanent Makeup: Not Just for (Literal) Rock Stars

Permanent makeup is an idea whose time has come, and not just for rock stars and models. By permanent makeup, of course, we don’t mean that buildup of mascara that comes from falling asleep before cleansing. Nor do we mean theatrical flights of fancy that would be completely out of place in the office, the gym, or the preschool pick-up line.

Today’s permanent makeup is safe, understated, and hugely popular with women of all ages and lifestyles who want to look their best, effortlessly, 24/7. Here are the facts:

Permanent makeup is not really makeup. Instead of a topical product applied every day to the brows, lids, and lips, permanent makeup — technically known as micropigmentation — is a permanent application of color to the top layer of the skin where you might normally use a brow pencil, eyeliner, or lip liner. The color is chosen especially to suit your complexion and style, in the form of cosmetic ink. And the application process is a gentle form of tattooing.


Permanent makeup is safe and painless — as long as you have the process done by a licensed, experienced aesthetician or doctor. Your practitioner will evaluate you for suitability; permanent makeup is not recommended for those with allergies to the ink ingredients or to the numbing solution used to reduce discomfort during tattooing. If your skin has a tendency to form keloids or your immune system is compromised, you will also be cautioned against the procedure. Otherwise, discomfort is minimal and side effects or complications rare. Never get permanent makeup done by an amateur or under unsafe conditions — that’s asking for trouble.

Permanent makeup looks like you, if you had an extra hour to get ready every morning or your own in-home makeup artist. The coloration is natural and understated, but gives you that “put together” look. You can go out as is after your normal daily routine of cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen, or build on the base by adding base, eye shadow, and lipstick to whatever degree you wish.

One satisfied user described it this way in an article in Shape magazine:

Anne Klein of Aspen, CO, says she highly recommends the procedure. Not very skilled with cosmetics, Klein spent years attempting to apply eyeliner while she was working as a model. On her own, she says she’d wind up with a “circus clown” look. “Now, I love it,” she says. “I can shower and be out the door in the morning, or have the option to add more if I want.”

Permanent makeup is for you, if you’ve ever found yourself . . . racing to get ready for a big day after oversleeping . . . kicking yourself for not putting on makeup when photos from that family party or girlfriends’ lunch are shared online . . . redrawing and smudging and redrawing over and over to get your eyeliner even (darn that left eye!) . . . wishing you looked a little more romantic in the middle of the night (or while swimming, or after a long run) . . . tired of carting around a bag of makeup products bigger than your purse . . . well, you get the idea.

You don’t have to be a rock star to rock your look (and save your time) with permanent makeup. For more information, or to set up your consultation for permanent makeup by our licensed aesthetician Sandra, put down that eyeliner wand and contact us today